Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Monday, June 1, 2009

&' He said let there be SIMS!!

omgah im like too ecstatic the sims3 officially comes out well BASICALLY TODAYY;
i cant wait til i wake up in the morn , and go get it...YES i AM A SIMFANATiC; i suggest to everyone GO GET THIS GAME FOR YOUR COMPUTER, it is sooo freaking addicting..Feels like just yesterdayy i was playing the Sims 1. with the 2D little figures..OBSESSIVELY BUYING EACH AND EVERY SIMS GAME....becoming broke , and wishing i could enter a cheat code in real life to increase my funds...LOLOl , yahh you will get sucked in...GO BUY IT NOW.!!

Amazin right.?

1 comment:

  1. OMG ME TOO,
    i need that game,
    i'll probably end up getting it nextweek
