Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Monday, June 1, 2009

All Grown up Tear

It feels like it was just 2005 &'  i was being introduced to the world of the Playboy Mansion , but more importantly this vibrant character known as Kendra Wilkinson. I personally fell in with her right off that bat due to her wild antics , &' crazy chill personality. She knew how to relax , &' kick back , PLUS she was awfully easy on the eyes . NOW 4 short years later she's moved out of the Playboy mansion , &' is ENGAGED. NO NOT TO HEFF , but to a football player ;] youu cant go wrong there can youu.? Well this week , sundayy to be exact Kendra's own show properly entitled "Kendra" debuts on the E! Channel . I for one cannot wait , &' watching her on another one of my favorite E! shows ,Chelsea Lately,  just made me anticipate it even more. She has grown up so much since we were first introduced to her , &'  i cant wait to see what other trouble she gets into. 
Dont forget
SUNDAY ON E! AT 9o.clock

Heres' a lil preview ;]

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