Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Monday, June 1, 2009

&' the high pitched scream of death lives on

While one cannot question her beauty or musical ability,  one can always debate over rather her cd's are hits OR misses. Her last album, E=MC2 , was good but not exactly what i wanted to hear , from a 30something year old...wait is she even 30still.? Anywayy  with her new ATTEMPT at Greatness , Memoirs of An Imperfect Angel, she recaptures the spotlight she once had , and not some youthful pop bubblegum , that would have worked during her 2nd or 3rd album. For "Memoirs of An Imperfect Angel" , slated for a September relase, she has enlisted the help of Super producers The-Dream, Timbaland , Tricky , Jermaine Dupri , and Michael Cox , all of who have produced hit singles rather in there own right , or for other major artist. Mariah has said this cd will be about an alter ego she has created ,hmmm Sasha Feirce with a gallon of water anyone , to tell stories. I for one cannot wait til September to hear her cd. There have been several snippets for the "rumored" lead single of the new album entitled  "H.A.T.E U" , but i have yet to get my little grumey paws on it so as soon as i do , i will post an update to this post. 
Updated : found it...
Uhm i just got a little more excited!

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