Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

♥--help . help . help .

first i wanna say ...


two of my favorite people ever dating can you belee dhat.
*YESS!! i had to get ghetto with the language . LOLOl,wont happen again!

okayy back to our scheduled blog . about lovee , and relationships .

Anyone that knows me , knows that my track record for relat. is deplorable and would make you want to murder yourself , lolol i have a really bad habit of wanting so bad , then when i get it ... i'm like...NEEEXXXTTT
bad right .? yahh it really really is .! No need to act like it isnt . Im tryna break that habit , but Ohh Lawdie is it hard .... As of lately i have been feeling like 3 ppl. hmmm crazy right .
The Thing is its all a process of getting the point across that i like them...
Heres another problem...BRACE YOURSELF...Ken gets super shyy , lolol YES.!!
oh large mouth gets shyyy , and its not like i plan on it , i can talk to anyone about anything 
but when i get around someone i like im like sir.BLAH BLAH! lmfaooo , its sooo annoying.
but its somethin im workin on , tomorrow *Thursdayy* should be very very interesting , and im waiting to see what happens with all that Senior junk , ohh Lord be with mee. lolol.
