Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Tuesday, May 19, 2009


so it was 12:00 a.m. and the Facebook notifications and my cellphone were ringing off the hook. OMFGAH it was crazyy , i felt so ♥d. Like so loved , seriouslyy . but anywayy . I go to school lookin hella good , yaah you cant deny it . loloL . I go to school only to be greeted by my buddies Whittell , Sugar Tits , and the Ceezyy . and PETRA..who mind you shocked the hell outta me with Balloons and a big birthdayy hatt...

OKAY i know you all might be saying thats so minor , but that means sooo muchh to me.
iVe never had friends who go out of there way to make sure i'm happy , and one's that are
truly caring about how i feel , and i so appreciate them...


The day lingered on and i got hella birthdayy wishes from people , an AWESOME CARD from my bff OWANALOO , and then went to eat with all of my friends . I generally ♥ of them from the bottom of my ♥ and they made my birthdayy so special . --*Tear

thanks everyone at school , home , family , etc. for making MAY 18, 2009 the best everr .
Now to Great America for even more fun. TOOT THEM BUNS!! ---hehe.

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