Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Thursday, May 21, 2009

9021..0H MY GAWSHH && IDOL

Call me late , but 0MGAH. i just watched the First season finale of 90210 and by far it was sooo good . i ♥ how they linked past issues between the characters , and used it in one big finale it was deff. aweing especially the little Naomi , Liam , Annie part. OMGAH it made my mouth drop...then the Silver , Ethan , and Dixon drama . GEESH this episode was just full of goodness. SERIOUSLY. i suggest anyone that hasnt wathced the show before , definitely start watching the show NOW. 

okayy...I cant believe that ADAM LOST AMERICAN IDOL. That show must SERiOUSLY BE RIGGED. Like come on . That other guy wasnt even half as good as Adam..HELL , i cant even remember his effin name. The kid was a loser , form START....TO FiNiSH.!! ughh . ADAM still rocks. 


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