Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Friday, May 29, 2009

Paparazzi by Lady Gaga ; Video Review

Two for the price of one huh.?
the second video im reviewin is one of my FAVORITE artist ; "THE" Lady GaGa , &&' her new smash hit "Paparazzi" 

. ABSOLUTELY BREATHE.TAKiNG , from the intro to the over top dancing and costumes , this video contains everything that we ♥ GaGa for , &&' im falling deeper in love withh her ; She is such a breathe of freshh air for music , kinda like a new age . More adventerous , and im taking a chance saying this , but i can see this song being a huge hit .
Not like that is risky or anything , seeing as all of her other songs , are hits in there own right.
If you cant tell this song gets a 6 out of 5 dollhouses.

1 comment:

  1. I've gotta give Lady Gaga credit, she seems to be the queen of trend-setting right now
