Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Friday, May 29, 2009

Patron Tequila by Paradiso Girls ; Video Review

Well its time for my Bangin video review of the week; 
This week its on  the Paradiso girls , well if you remember they were one of my first artist i posted about well the time has come and they finally have released the video for there first single "PatronTequila" &&' it features Lil Jon &&' Eve .

i love how every member had there own time to shine , unlike in that other group..
uhm whats there name.? Yah i didnt think youu would remember either ; 
The beat is sickk , &&' Eve adds her own lil amazin flavor too it , which for once a featured artist didnt do any harm to the song ; The song is amazing and so is the video.
it gets 5dollhouse out of 5.

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