Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Well a couple of days ago i posted about Rihanna and Drake supposedly dating , well the latest going around is that Rih is dating...


WAIT FOR iT.....






KANYE WEST  ; Yess you read it correct,  Kanye and Rih are supposedly dating each otherr. These rumors are going around after Rih went into yeezy's New York condo with one pair of clothes on , and came out wearing something totally different...even though West wasnt there , but in Hawaii at the time , WHO STORES CLOTHES AT SOMEONE ELSES HOUSE.? none of my friends certainly dont have clothes waiting to be work at my house...yah know im just stating . I dont really mind this couple either because they are both amazing artist , and have alot of traits i totally admire . So its all right they have the....

BLK blessing .!!!
*que angel sounds*

1 comment:

  1. ohh emm geee yay,
    she's not good enough for drake,
    no offense rihanna ily but
    you cant corrupt that boy,
    little wayne is doing enough damage.
