Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hush.Hush.Hush by PCD Video Review

Even though PCD (pussycat dolls) are in the shambles , that didnt stop them from putting out a new music video for there song "HUSH.HUSH.HUSH" the video itslef is catchyy , but it has one MAJOR  flaw. like errr..the OVERLOAD OF NICOLE FLOPiNZiNGER. like im a huge PCD supporter but her being crammed down our throats isnt amazing . I remember i was coming home from i believe Las Vegas , when i first saw there video , "Dontcha" , and i was OBSESSED with them , but now its like after hearing there solo attempts , im sure they would be muchh better by themself. &&' i dont mainly like the fact that the other girls dont get there chance to fully shine , EVER. So you know i was proud when Melody said what she said in Arizona during there concert. ANYWAY , the video is fun and catchhy SO . I give it 3.5 dollhouses out of 5.

The video is below

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