Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Aaah Whudda Chicago.Dayy

wooow so im like extra latee i got so rapped up with other things , but anywayy. SATURDAY ohh my . So we were originally planning on going to Great America for my birthdayy celebration on that dayy , but like any other day or dealing with anything else , ....Plans DO && CAN Change , but anywayy. lOLOL so i was informed by Sheedy that we should go dnwtnwn on Fridayy , so i was like hmmm whyy not. So some shit end up happening and he wasnt able to meet us down there at first , and so it was just me and my friends. MIND YOU NONE OF US KNOW WHAT WE ARE DOING , OR WHERE WE ARE GOING. SO we are walking around aimlessly tryna find our friends who are located elsewhere downtown , lol so finally some Mrs.Fields cookies' and two visits to a McD's later we find them , and my other friend Bria Ria. lolol. SO we are all happily united , and the true fun starts. All the sexy ppl were downtown and kept tryna holler , and it was funn. My friends were like its my pants . lolol. "THE GO GETTEM PANTS" We go to Nike Town and i find these awesome Blazers , which i fall in ♥ withh and have to havee...&& now DO havee. loloL. --*im not spoiled im privileged , ANYWAYY. loL. So we hang out for a long ass time , a million pictures at the iTunes store later , we decide lets go eat , by then and some activities pass. Then we are walking past this hobo , who decided he wanted to say " YOU  SUCK MY DICK " , and ohh Lord the shit hit the fan. Sheedy was about to whoop his ass , but thank Goodness he has control...we know others dont :P   , anywayy .loL-So we look for somewhere to eat , and one of my friends bright idea was to go to a pizza place all the way on the other side of town , so we are waiting for our food, and realize that the train is coming at 11:20..MIND YOU.. its like 11:10 at the time we are waiting for our food ,so our food comes and we start rushing our waitress , who was a total doll and a half , ANYWAY. So we all have our food in liL containers , and start running down the street with food tryna get the train...SO WE ARE RUNNING...AND RUNNING...AND RUNNNNIIIINNNNGGGG. lolol im eating my food while i run cuz i got skills . So we reach the train station , and we miss the freakin train . BAD NEWS IS the next train isnt til we wait around for forever , and just chill...Awesome night all together. 

I didnt get home til 2 somethin , but didnt go to sleep til 5...cuz my friends got lost...thats another story for an entirely different dayy 


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