Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Myy Favorite Birthdayy...sooo far!

yesterdayy was sooo amazing. lolol so much happened in just a little amount of time. imma have to finish this blog laterr , im about to go to my little cousins birthdayy Partyy but ill give you a quick run down of what to look for.

-hobo says "you suck my dick" haitian replies "WTF YOU SAY NIGGA"
-iTunes for 2hrs.
-Niketown breakdown
-Uhm do these pants make me look sexyy.?
-Where the fuckk are we.?
-Little boy name Kyle go awayy
-Omgah was that the train.?
-Yumm Pizza..over here...or pizza over there..

ill explain everything out laterr. and i might do another list.!


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