Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Monday, August 3, 2009

One of my favorite rappers and complex minds , Kid Cudi , recently did an interview for "COMPLEX" magazine i suggest you all read some of the excerpts from it below.


"There need to be songs that females can connect with, because I love all women." says Cudi "Not like the average dude that loves women ’cause they like to fuck; I just love women as a whole. I love them, not just the fact that they have vaginas."

"My biggest fear is getting wrapped up in the illusion of fame and Hollywood and shit like that. Getting wrapped up in the worldly things like drugs and the excitement of being famous. I have a vulnerable enough past that it could propel me into that world. I don’t want to be caught up in it. I want to do something while I’m here. This is hell."

"Most of my groupies are spawns of the devil. [Laughs.] They’re there to take me off track and fuck up my purpose. It’s like the dark side is trying to pull me in. Who wouldn’tlike a bunch of hot-ass bitches saying, “Hey, we all wanna fuck you right now!”? [Laughs.] But you have to realize that it’s an illusion, that you can get caught up, turn into a person that you never knew you could be—and I don’t wanna be that dude."

"I was always the ugly duckling; I never got attention from girls like that. So now that it’s happening, I’m kind of hip to it. I know half of these bitches wouldn’t be talking to me if I wasn’t Kid Cudi, and I’m not no fool, you know what I’m saying? I wasn’t born yesterday."

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