Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Kimberly from PCD has decided to speak up and voice her opinion on the current state of PCD. Here is what she had to sayy in the interview.

"It's true, there has always been a lot of focus on Nicole which has been hard to deal with sometimes."revealed Kimberley.

"This group was created with a foundation, they knew exactly what they wanted and they had Nicole as the focus.

Every video and stage performance that we've done, Nicole has been our leader.

I wasn't in videos like I wanted and wasn't seen in the way I was hoping, which has been the same for all the other girls too."

Kimberley says herself and the rest of the girls - ASHLEY ROBERTS, JESSICA SUTTA and MELODY- are not anticipating the attention eventually being shared out.

She added: "I don't really make any of the decisions, I'm in the group and can voice my opinions to a degree but at the end of the day it is a business and there are a lot of chefs in the kitchen that run the Pussycat Dolls."

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