Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

By now you all should be WELL AWARE of the issue's going on between Beyonce and Kelly Clarkson over the similarities between their songs Already Gone and Halo. Well the man who Kelly says is responsible for giving Beyonce a track similar to hers ,Ryan Tedder , recently fired back at the claims made by Miss Clarkson. Here is what he had to say to TMZ.

"Already Gone" is one of the best song I've written or produced since "Bleeding Love" and stands tall on it's own merits apart from "Halo".

They are two entirely different songs conceptually, melodically, & lyrically and I would never try to dupe an artist such as Kelly Clarkson or Beyoncé into recording over the same musical track, the idea is both hurtful & absurd.

I think when people hear "Already Gone" they will hear what I hear-one of the greatest female vocalists on earth giving her most haunting and heart-breaking performance on a song she helped write.

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