Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Monday, June 22, 2009


-It seems that both JIM JONES and BOW WOW have been dropped/released from Columbia. Both of there pictures were removed from the Columbia Records main website.

-Chris Brown pleaded guilty to assualt todayy in court. He received 6months of community service, 5 years probation for a FELONY , must take a domestic abuse classes . Chris must also stay atleast 50 feet away from Rihanna, and 10yeards at any public event. GEESH

Juice of the dayy!
-Well Dorian from College Hill's Twitter was hacked , and OMGAH was some damage DONE.
click the word pics below to check out what all was done..I HEARD SOME NAKED PICS WERE ALSO RELEASED.hmm..time for me to get me a Twitter , no more procrastination. loloL.
well other stuff the hacker said was that Teyanna Taylor and Drake did more then just kiss, that Terrell Owens and Dorian were a MAYBE item , and the hacker released some CELEBRITY NUMBERS. OMGAHH so freakin BUZZ WORTHY DONT YOU THINK.?

these pics are rated R. view at your own consent.