Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Baby im your everything , but he's all you ever wanted ?

Heres a personal letter someone sent in about Drake; READ BELOW. mhmm.

Ok, My aunt very close to me is Dating a member of Drake’s security team. Although, they signed confidentiallity agreements he told my aunt a bit of news you will go crazy over!!! DRAKE is a freak, he’s playin for both teams. I usually dont like to bust people out but you know a gay cant hold water!! He been f***kin around with 2 of his homies in his entourage they sleep in the same bed almost everynight. Security must always knock before entering his room and sometimes it takes him up to 5 mins to answer the door, when he answers with sweaty chest and him and friend both in boxer briefs….. and get this! Rhi Rhi and Teyana Taylor know about this… he says when they’re together they talk more like “girlfriends” and when i say girlfriends i mean Joan, Toni and Mya! I know its hard to believe and I hope i dont get in trouble for telling you this but i found this out yesterday and haven’t stoppped thinking about it sense!!!!!!!!!