Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What A "RollerCoaster" of A Weekend.

Pun intended. loL. but seriouslyy this weekend has been amazin. It all kicked off with my after.birthdayy party at Great America , which couldnt have went better. Everybody that was SUPPOSED to be there , WAS there . &&' i'm so appreciative for that . I rode everyride , &&' just had a ton of fun . Youu can see the pictures from Great America by viewing my FaceBook page , a link is  located on the right under the D0LLBOOK . section ; i also lost my virginity. What can top that right .? WAAAAIIIITTTT!!! no you little sick freak.a.leek , i lost my virginity to the V2 , at Great America what a total let down . COMPLETELY ; it gave me an adreneline rushh but it was sooo not what i thought it was gonna be . lmfaoo , wait i am talking about the ridee right .? Yahhh i am . but anywayy i skipped over Fridayy . Which was totally fun ; i was basically walking around with my Seniors , watching them do what they do ...WHICH IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING , *notee;todayy was awfully quiet without them . &&' from what i saw Prom was very very nicee , &&' apart of me wishes i would have went , while the rest of me awaits next year when its my turn to do all of this mumble jumble . lmfaooo anywayy , back to Sundayy . Well i had planned to hang out with friends , but that got scrapped when my Mom decided to praise Him all dayy , aint nothin wrong with that , but makes me realize i need my own car , so i can zoom.zoom.zoom whenever i want to yah kno.? Anywayy so i was chillin until my chillaxiation was interrupted by Nacho , &&' a lil TyWhore ; hanging out with them was totally fun , they ate my food , watched my fav Movie --*Mean Girls ; &&' the best part was that i made video's the entire timee . So all of this is videographed. All in all My Weekend was amazin . &&' i cant wait to do it every Day durin the Summer . 

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