Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Drakey. Updatey ♥

okayy wipe that grimey lil smile off your face . &&' FOCUS!! people if you dont know who Drake is by now you should be dragged behind a house and slaughtered like seriouslyy , but anyway i just received news that his new cd " Thank Me Later " will feature colaborations withh not Only Rihanna but JAY-Z..if his career stays on this path then i cant see him being anything other then "the measuring stick" of rap ...
and a lil side note ; idk he was ghost writing for Jeezy . INTERESTING.!!!


  1. so why did i not follow u?.. n y do u not follow me? lol

  2. i did follow you creep ,
    you were the first i followed .!
