Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Sunday, September 13, 2009


Well right now the WWW. is all abuzz over Kanye's impromptu take over of Taylor Swift receiving Best Female Video . If your not a friend of mine on facebook then you deffinitely should be because my wall was a buzz over this incident. Here is what happened...

So the point is was that even necessary many people who ive talked to are outraged while ive seen others saying "HE WAS RIGHT" is it right for one artist to tell another artist they dont deserve an award? i dont understand that...AT ALL. Kanye is one of the most distasteful artist in my eyes after tonigth i dont see how anyone can flat out say ..."when i grow up i want to be like Kanye" Saying that is like saying when you grow up you want to be a arrogant pompous asshole.

ANYWAY other things did happen on the award show.

LIKE AMAZING PERFORMANCES... Lady Gaga performed Paparazzi and Beyonce perfomed a church'ified edition of Single Ladies.Both of the ladies were breakout nominations on this night with 9nominations each. Dominating the award show . I'll give my full recap tomorrow. along with all the latest buzz about backstage happenings and video's and much much more.

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