Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Monday, August 10, 2009

Its so weird that i found this article because i surely no more then 5mins ago was thinking about Nicki Minaj , like i do everydayy , i love this bitchh .ANYWAAAY , lol . Nicki was dishing on her album , and the route she wants it to go . So read this .

"As of right now as far as producers I have a lot of up and coming producers and I’m not big on big name producers,"she says "although I’d love to work with As far as artists go you know I just don’t know at this point I love people like Natasha Bedingfield, I love her singing voice and Amy Winehouse’s singing voice and I’d like to gear my album probably towards pop so probably if anything I’ll have a lot of those type of features on it.

"But not too much rap because I am a rap girl and thats what I do and I don’t think I need to have many different rappers on my album. My mixtapes have been you know inundated with features. and people need to know who Nicki Minaj is now."

I will support Nicki no matter what she does with the album , cuz she is just a geniunly awesome person. She is catchy , and is just an awesome artist , and entertainer so im sure if she decides to do the whole pop rap album it will be big. Even though i will miss the dirty filthy lines she be havin.

on a side notee-
While she has gotten suprisingly big over the past 2 years , i just wish she would get a tad bit more attention. She is apart of Yung Money too ; lOl , i want to see my wife in some video's please.!!

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