Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Have you ever wondered what happened to one of your favorite atist? Well in
Fall From Glory i plan on giving MY incite on what happened to their careers. The high's to the low's!! Where i can i can see there career going in the future , and what steps it would take for their career to get back on track.!

This weeks artist is Cassie ;

We all remember the 2oo6 summer smash single Me & You which took over the radio waves. Soon after the release of that single Cassie became a modern name in music , and following in the success of Me & You *which reached a total sale of 1million in digital downloads , Cassie's debut album "Cassie" only sold 312,000 . This was just the start of the rocky career ahead for the young model turned singer. Even though the debut album was not a MAJOR success her debut album had many hits which i personally enjoyed including ; My House , Longway to go , and Call U Out .Even though only 1 of the 3 got a proper release*including video Cassie's debut was stellar in my opinion , and pushed her to the front of my favorite female "entertainers"
*notice the use of entertainers and not singers. Soon after in Early 2oo7 Cassie became a full time artist of Bad Boy thus leaving behind her major supporter , friend , and other leg to lean on
Ryan Leslie *which i will say is the biggest mistake of her career. Cassie's new album is set to be full of star studed super producers including The Dream and Pharell. By now it being 2oo9 you would think the buzz following Cassie would be HUGE *as with her stunning haircut , but its NOT. Every last one of Cassie's leaked single's are mediocre at best *my opinion , and if she plans on shooting back up to the top with the sophomore "Electro'Love" cd , then there needs to be alot of changes made. One of the major changes is whose in charge of her career. Rather she wants to stay in Bad Boy is one thing but she needs to take boyfriend Diddy out of the driverseat , and put Ryan Leslie back in. ASAP . Not saying that Diddy isnt capable of taking her somewhere , its just that Ryan Leslie has ALREADY taken her somewhere , and can only finish the job THE BEST. Cassie also needs to show more of her personality. If you havent seen around on the blog , Cassie always comes off timid . Im sure the 22 year old has more to offer then just the ambition to be a great singer , and a pretty face.. With those FEW changes , and re'analyzation of her career Cassie CAN POSSIBLY do a full 360 by the time of her junior album , IF she's that luckyy. I end this Fall From Glory with a leaked track from Cassie's new album*Electro'Love , the single is entitled
I Need Love.

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