Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Allow her to reintroduce herself ; Interview

R&B singer Tiffany Evans (in a new promo pic above) has taken to her MySpace page to set the record straight about a new song of hers that leaked over the weekend called "Spotlight". The singer also surprisingly admitted that she's changed her name to Ms Tiffany, which will also serve as the title of her new album (formerly titled Ponytail Krush).

"One of the records that I have recorded from my upcoming album," wrote Ms Tiffany "just got leaked somehow, some way, I do not know. But it has been getting a lot of great feedback, so that's a good thing.

I must say that I'm taking a different route in music, and I'm kinda switching things up a bit. I think that this time around the music will give you a full understanding of who Ms Tiffany really is... Fun, deep, expressive and all that good crazy stuff.

""Spotlight" is not a record that showcases my vocals," she continued "and honestly I wanted to try something different, because I know you guys are so used to me busting the windows, but I figured that we needed some records that are just gonna let me have fun and not even have to really sing sing for real. But trust and believe me when I tell you I do have some songs where I am going all out with the vocals... I just wanna experiment and give everybody a taste of the NEW me.

Ms Tiffany also confirmed the title of her new album and name for herself, and added that "Spotlight" isn't the lead single. The album will feature production from Brian Kennedy and no current release date has been set yet.

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