Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Something is Better Then Nothing Right?

Well Melody Thornton , MY PERSONAL FAVORITE DOLL,recently addressed many rumors going around about PCD. Here's what she had to sayy...

 about the "rumored" breakup: "It's good news for our fans. I don't think we're breaking up any time soon." She adds: "As long as this thing is moving, we're all still here."

about Nicole :"Nicole's always had extra things going on as opposed to the rest of us, but we have aspirations as well," 

her position in the group:"It's definitely a huge misconception that we are just chilling and happy to just be members of the group."

flopping in Australia:"(The reviews) say a lot about the need for an evolution within the Pussycat Dolls."But it is what it is. Lady GaGa is bringing something new and fresh. I think she's amazing."

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