Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Make her own Moneyy; Stylee Analysis

This week on Style Analysis we have Amber Rose who recently did a shoot and interview.
The shoot was done for Amber who is known as the "girlfriend" of SUPERRAPPER Kanye West , gave an excellent detailed look into her life , her likes, and etc. It is truly an amazing read , and look at the woman CURRENTLY behind Kanye.

Her Look : While she shows off several different looks she pulls them all off to a "T".My favorite picture has to be the one with the Blue Hoodie , and Red Dunks. OMFG;Can we say amazing , for her overall look im giving her a A+. She is not only beautiful but a style icon.

Check out some of the pics below, and head on over to EMODA. to read the interview , and see the rest of the pics , it is sooo worth it. I used to think she was just another stupid celebrity groupie girlfriend, but heyy i dont mind seeing more of her.
clickk EMODA to Read the interview,so do it.

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