Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Drakey address the rumors

Well word was going around for a minute that Drake , &' Rihanna were an item .  Well Now it has been confirmed that Drake and Rihanna are
NOT ...i reapeat item. 
So us Drake and Rihanna fans can dream , about it another day . Anywayy Drake addressed him and Rihanna's relationship and had this to sayy "I'm actually writing for Rihanna right now," I guess I'm living a dream,"...."I enjoy a challenge. I've never in my mind felt like, 'Oh, I could probably write something crazy for Rihanna.' That wasn't my first thought. But being put up to the task, we're coming up with some special stuff. It's crazy, man. All I could do is smile. It's nice."

"Yeah, it's just work. Me and Rihanna are just me and Rihanna. We're cool and she's great, man. She's a great person, definitely."

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