Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dating 101 ; for the confused.

Okayy so i read this article about what guys really mean when they say certain things this is how its going to go; imma post what he says...what he REALLY means , and what i say.

What he says for example ; i'll call you
What he means ; i MAY call youu
What i sayy ; There should be no if's or BUTS about it, you should do just the right amount to want him to do nothing but call you and build a closer relationship with youu.

GET IT.!? okayy here we go

He says ; I like your shirt/hair/necklace etc.
What He means ; You look good
What i sayy ; It means you apparently did something right when coming out the house , you got his interest with your shocking good lucks , now go the extra mile to sell him on your personality. Your not just a one sided course, your the full meal.

He says ; I've been busyy.
What He means ; if you've dated longer then six months; Ive lost interest in youu.
What He means ; if you've dated longer than that; I like you alot ,but i need to focus on other things
What i sayy ; This is basically the end of the relationship. If your use to him not showing you any attention , then "ive been busyy" might just be in the everyday convo , but if your not then its time you start considering your other options in life.

He says ; I need some space
What He means ; We are going to fast
What i sayy ; I believe when a guy says those words , he is currently afraid of falling for you. &' wants to slow down the pace of where you all are going. It doesnt mean that you two are threw , just that he needs to figure out what exactly he wants to do with you all as a relationship.

He says ; I love spending time with youu
What He means ; I love you...i think
What i sayy ; The "L" word isnt generally thrown out of a guys mouth easily. So when he says it you know he takes you seriouslyy , and MAY have sincere feelings for you , but dont take the phrase lightly it may just be a koi for alternative motives. But if you trust the guy , then " I love spending time withh youu" is what you hope to hear in a budding relationship.

He says ; I want this to last forever
What He means ; I'm really hapy RIGHT now
What i sayy ; When a guy drops those lines , he feels safe in your arms , &' likes your current position in your life. Its not a bad thing , its a GREAT thing. Most people could only wish there lover would say those words to them. The thing is to not just focus on the words , but consider his actions. Does he really seem to be greatful, and care that your in his lifee.?

Well this was a fun little NEW EXCLUSIVE column to do on the sitee. I will try to do this WAY more often. So make sure if your ever looking you click Dating 101.

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