Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Thursday, May 14, 2009

We all Make Mistakes

but its how we learn from them that define us as a person.

This past week has been so hectic with drama and problems , but at the end of the day is rather someone was lying or not , or being 10000% honest we cant judge them for there mistakes , or supposed mistakes. Who are we to judge someone.? We all have messed up before in our lifee, and most likely those mistakes have made us a stronger person in the long run . We cant immediately cast someone out of our lives because they made a mistake , if anything we should stand beside them , and work to help them improve there shortcommings. yah kno.? im working on that , and im encouraging you too also. you never know when you might be on the opposing sides of the table.


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