Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Sunday, May 31, 2009

It's so hard to say GO THE EFF AWAY;

very slow news this weekend anywayy;
Okayy by now we ALL know Danity Kane has broken up , rather for the short term or long term is yet to be seen , but im sure we have seen the MTB4 reunion where they openly addressed many issues. One of the main ones that i personally seen were the issues between Dawn and Aubrey.Well in a recent interview Dawn addressed some of the issues in Danity Kane .

"Honestly, real talk, she cool, I don't like it when people go in like that and try to pit us against each other" said Richards "Me and her [Aubrey] used to be mad cool, real talk, but this is the reality, I think we're all different personalities and you have to be a certain type of person to wanna deal with that, because if you like drama then that's your person you hang with, but I don't like drama so we didn't click long enough to hang."

Dawns choice words didnt stop there . She also had this to sayy ;
"My thing is I like to be part of a business, if you're a part of a brand [then] I like to keep the brand good, ya feel me? I felt like I had other mouths to feed so I would never mess up Shannon's mouth, Aubrey's mouth, D Wood's mouth, and when you start messin' up my money and my home then I have a problem, that was my issue with Aubrey.""It had nothing to do with her personality, who she is, she's a talented girl, but when you're missin' shows and fans are paying for you and you're the star of the group, I knew it and I was cool with it I was riding the ticket you know, but when you're the star and you don't show up and people know you're not comin', you're messin' up the money you know, that's a problem."

so from this interview you would guess that Dawn's problem with Aubrey is that she "messed with her moneyy" , but im sure its more to it then JUST that. Yah kno.? There's so much to this Danity Kane "story" , cuz thats exactly what it is,  that we dont know. In a couple of years when one of them is broke , and bored i'm sure they will decide to write a tell all book; now i admit ILL BE THE FIRST IN LINE TO GET MY COPY. i Danity Kane , &' to see them go down the route they have , is like woah. I'll even admit i cried on the episode when Diddy fired Aubrey &' D.Woods. What happens with this group...time &' the Lord only knows , but ill be there watching every second of it . 

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