Lushh.Juke.Boxx ♥


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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Artist Spotlight ; Jordin Sparks

Well once again its time for new columns here on B.L.K ; In Artist Spotlight i will take focus at any artist of my choosing , and talk about them. Pretty simple right .? I will also feature some of my favorite tracks they have released , so maybe if your not as up on them as you should be , you will give them a fair chance . Enjoyy.

Todays Artist : Jordin Sparks

Name : Jordin Brianna Sparks
Age: 9teen
Signed by: Jive
Aura: Melodic , youthful music that touches your soul .

We all know Jordin as the American Idol winner , who was underestimated for her youth when she won , but since then MY HAS SHE GROWN. She captured out attentions first with her hit Tattoo , then with her stunning and amazing duo with Chris Brown . Since then She has released a few more tracks , none which have been major hits. I personally loved them , but the rest of the world didnt catch onto the uniquness , and awesomeness of this young soul. Well Jordin is back this summer with her sophomore album entitled Battlefield , and i for one cannot wait.  When i first heard the leading single , "Battlefield" i was immediately captured by its ear'candy like beat , and the capturing rhythmn . 
Well all thats left is for you to enjoy her like i do , So go listen. 

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